12 Week Challenge

25th Sept - 18th Dec

The next challenge is from Fri 25th Sept - Fri the 18th Dec for a one night stay on the 9th Jan - 10th Jan to a luxurious spa & hotel in Tewksbury which includes breakfast.

What’s it about & what do I win?

The challenge gives members the incentive to focus on their goals. At the end of the 12 weeks, I will select the member that I deem to have made the best progress across the challenge and send them (and one other person of their choice) on a weekend away in the UK.

Who can enter?

Members of any ZST plan can enter.

How to enrol

Enrolment lasts for 2 weeks. To do so, enter your name and email address at the bottom of this page and you will be sent an enrolment form within the same day.

Only submit your enrolment form if you can commit to the dates stated.

Challenge period

The challenge lasts for 12 weeks and within this timeframe, you will record your measurements & images that you will submit to Zara on a weekly basis. You will be sent reminders to do this the day before your submission dates.

Judging period

The judging period will last 2 weeks. There is also a grace period at the end of the challenge that lasts 5 days to ensure that any late participants can submit their final measurement and images. The judging period is also when enrolment re-opens for the next challenge.

Winners announcement

Winners will be announced and notified at the end of the judging period plus grace period (2 weeks and 5 days after the 12-week challenge ends). Your one-night stay will be at the weekend closest to the end of the challenge. 

Enrolment is now OPEN

Enter your name and email address to register for enrolment